Sami Faidhullah


Waqf is an Islamic institution which on the one hand functions as worship to Allah and on the other hand, waqf also has a social function. It is our society's habit to want to donate part of their wealth by completely entrusting it to someone who is considered a figure in the surrounding community, such as kyai, ulama, ustadz and others. To manage waqf assets as nadzir. In managing waqf assets, the role of the nadzir is very important. Because whether an endowment functions or not really depends on its nadzir. However, the important role of waqf nadzir does not always run smoothly in practice, because in reality there are still many waqf lands that have not been developed properly so that they have not been able to provide benefits for the benefit of the people at large, as well as other obstacles, and this also occurs in management of Waqf Land in the region Central Amuntai District, North Hulu Sungai Regency. This type of research is qualitative research in the form of direct field research results. The results of this research show that the role of nadzir in managing waqf land has not been effective in terms of its management and development because there is no other management apart from places of worship, even though waqf land can also be managed in economic and other fields. Nadzir's obstacles in managing waqf land in Amuntai Tengah District are funds to manage waqf land, there are still nadzir who do not know their duties in managing waqf land, and a lack of guidance and socialization regarding waqf land administration to nadzir and the community.


Nadzir, Waqf Land Management

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