PERKEMBANGAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN DI MESIR (Sistem dan Kelembagaan Pendidikan Islam di Masa Dinasti Fatimiyyah)

Helmiannoor Helmiannoor


Islamic education is the most important tools for human to achieve the real purpose of life. Through Islamic education, human beings are able to become autonomous and able to interact with others constructively. In addition, Islamic education also plays a role in the formation and development of a civilization that contributes to the next generation. This will not be achieved without a system and a good educational institution. At the time of the Fatimiyyah dynasty, science especially Islamic education developed rapidly. Al-Azhar during the Fatimiyyah Dynasty is an Islamic educational institution that gives great contribution to the world of Islamic education at that time.


Sistem dan Kelembagaan Pendidikan Islam; Dinasti Fatimiyyah

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