TEORI COMMON LINK G.H.A JUYNBOLL: Melacak Otoritas Sejarah Hadits Nabi

Devi Kasumawati


Common link is a theory that invented by Joseph Schacht and then developed by G.H.A. Juynboll. He is a scientist that concern about history of hadith development. The main assumption about common link theory said that ‚the more transmission lines come together in one transmitter, either reaching im or going away from him, the more this transmitter and his transmission have a claim to historicity.‛
The problem comes when that theory applied to all of hadith, spesifilcally to the hadith written in the kutub al-sittah. Because there are so many hadith that doesn’t fulfill those requirements. In the classical term, those kind of hadith best known as hadith ahad.
This study aimed to know about common link theory, the application of this theory includes its consequences. Also to analyzes the credibility of this theory if used to hadith generally.


Common link; history; hadith

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