Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak di Mtsn 5 Hulu Sungai Utara Kalimantan Selatan

Mahmud Mahmud, Awaliah Safitri, Isabella Isabella


: There are two types of multimedia as model in learning Akidah Akhlak: multimedia based computer and multimedia based direct experience. Multimedia based computer utilizes a computer as an electronic device which is capable to involve various sense and organs of the body such as ears (audio), eyes (visual), and hands (kinetic). This involvement makes information or message easier to understand. Then, multimedia based direct experience includes direct experience is created in the context of learning Akidah Akhlak. It practices behaviours that reflects on faith to the last day and commendable morals such as working hard, creative, productive, and innovative guided by Akidah Akhlak teacher and supervised by parents at home. The result shows that using multimedia as learning model is helpful in processing teaching and learning inside and outside classroom. Therefore, the process of teaching and learning becomes more active, creative, effective and fun. It also help improving students’ achievement. By multimedia as learning model in Akidah Akhlak Hajj material is expected to make students smart, skilled, and good in moral. 

Keywords: developing, learning model, multimedia, Akidah Akhlak


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