Inovasi Pendidikan Islam Pada MAN Barito Selatan Plus Keterampilan

Mahmudah Mahmudah, Musyarapah Musyarapah


This paper discusses innovations in Islamic religious education which are very basic things and need to be implemented immediately, so that our Islamic education world can meet the demands of society and nation building in all fields. Innovation is a result of thought in the form of a product of brilliant thinking that is applied through a certain stage with the aim of solving a problem that arises in the midst of society. The main purpose of innovation is to increase the sources of manpower, money and facilities, including organizational structures and procedures. The purpose of educational innovation is to increase the efficiency, relevance, quality and effectiveness of facilities and the number of students as much as possible with the maximum educational results (according to the criteria for the needs of students, society and development) by using the smallest amount of resources, energy, money, tools and time. -small. We Have Faith In The Future Of Our Students In South Man Barito. The era of globalization with all its implications has become one of the triggers for the rapid changes that occur in various aspects of people's lives, and if there is no serious effort to anticipate it then this will become a very serious problem. Education is a long-term investment whose results cannot be seen and cannot be seen. felt instantly, so that schools as spearheads in the field must have a long-term development direction with clear stages of achievement and still accommodate the demands of contemporary factual problems that exist in society. The innovations carried out at MAN Barito Selatan Plus are to make students talented, hardworking, and full of good ideas and to encourage and empower students to bring ideas to life. Directing students according to ability. In addition to Indonesian, students are also given English and Arabic lessons. MAN Barito Selatan graduates are able to compete in both academic and non-academic fields.

Keywords: Innovation, Islamic Religious Education


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