Pendidikan Holistik dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam

Ria Susanti


The education process needs to be reviewed, because it is considered to have not succeeded in giving birth to a holistic generation as a carrier of peace, skill, and tranquility for others and the universe. Education must introduce students to important issues faced by humanity, while at the same time be able to provide solutions to these humanitarian problems. Thus, students have an awareness of the nature of himself, namely: who, for what, and how. This kind of education is called holistic education.Holistic education and Islamic religious education (PAI) have a match. Seen for example in the characteristics and principles of the PAI curriculum which states that education must develop all aspects of potential learners (physical, spiritual, and resourceful). Likewise, the aim of holistic education is to pay attention to the needs of students and their potential as a whole and balanced, both in the aspects of whole and balanced, both in the aspects of knowledge/intellectual, skills, attitudes/emotional, spiritual, physical, artistic, and creative.

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