Konsep “Fungsionalistik Dominan” Edward Lee Thorndike dalam Proses Pembelajaran

Helmiannoor Helmiannoor


Abstract: Educators always face any problems that occurs in the process of learning in educational institution. Therefore, many educational experts conducted studies and experiments and produce various learning theories involves the theory of "Dominant Functionalistic" Edward Lee Thorndike. The purpose of this article is to describe the concept of the “Dominant Functionalistic” theory of Edward Lee Thorndike in the learning process. This research was a literature research or library research. Data sources included books that discuss Thorndike learning theories and other relevant resouces. The data analysis used content analysis technique. The results of this study concluded that the study theory of Thorndike was composed of two parts which are the Pre-1930 theory and the Post-1930 theory. The Pre-1930 Thorndike theory includes three laws, namely: The law Of Readiness, The Law of Exercise, The law of effect. Broadly, the three laws state that the learning process required the student's readiness in receiving lessons, the repetition of material/exercises and fun learning situations. As for the Post-1930 Thorndike is a revision of the Law on Readiness, Legal Practice, and Legal Effects. In general, it is a form of Thorndike revision of some of his earlier theories. From the two sections of the Thorndike learning theory which is characteristic is the theory of Trial-and-Error learning (learning by trial). According to Thorndike all living creatures learn with a trial until he gets a solution to solve his problem.

Keywords: "Dominant Functionalistic" theory, Edward Lee Thorndike, learning process

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