Jumiati Jumiati, Winarti Adiatma, Heldayati Heldayati


The research aims to: 1) to find out the problems faced by teachers in online class of English lesson during the Covid-19 pandemic at MA Al- Istiqamah Halong, 2) to find out the teacher's strategies in teaching reading comprehension during online learning at MA Al – Istiqamah Halong. The method used in this research is descriptive  qualitative research. The object of this research is the problems faced by English teacher at MA Al-Istiqamah Halong in online learning and the teacher's strategies in teaching reading comprehension during online learning at MA Al – Istiqamah Halong. To collect the data, the researchers used interviews, observation and documentation. The procedures used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/ verification. The results of this research showed that the problems faced by English teacher in English learning online are not all students have android phones, limited money to purchase of Internet data packets, the lack of internet network, teacher cannot deliver all material, students find the difficult explanation to understand, students lose focus on studying, and students are so lazy to learn and despise the learning. Also based on research results is found that there are two strategies used by English teachers during online learning, namely using interactive multimedia and teach for comprehension. Using interactive multimedia is media that provides learning interactions in the form of voice, video or distance learning applications. Teach for comprehension, teachers can find out the extent of their students' understanding of reading texts after being asked by several students to read the text and translate.


Problems, Strategies, Teaching, Reading Comprehension.

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