Siti Anida Maghfira


Figurative language is one of the themes learned by senior high school students. Since this theme has many parts, this research only focuses on some essential parts that students often learn. Although there are many different types of figurative language, it often includes using a specific type of word or word meaning, such as metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole and symbolism. The song is one of art's parts. As we know, a song is very familiar for all of us, especially teenagers. The song is a suitable strategy for teaching figurative language because it contains beautiful sentences and is full of meaning. This research investigates the effectiveness of using the song in teaching English, especially for teaching figurative language. There were two classes taken. One group was the control group, while another one was the experiment group. The classes taken are 11th grade of senior high school.


Figurative Language; Song; Teaching English

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