Miftahul Jannah


This study aimed to describe the kinds of challenges and aspects that might cause the challenges which are encountered by the students of Islamic Thought of Politic in learning English in ESP courses. This is a descriptive quantitative study. There were thirty-five students who participated in the sample that were chosen through purposive sampling. The data were gathered through an online survey of the students in the major of Islamic Politics Taught. This study found four main challenges faced by the students in learning English, especially for the students in the major of Islamic Thought of Politic. The first big challenge was to rely on the Students' Perception of the ESP Course. Second, another obstacle was because of their English ability is still regarded as low. Third, most of them do not have additional English learning resources as supplementary material outside the classroom. The last, challenge was because of the insufficient curriculum for ESP for Universities. To overcome these challenges, universities, students, and stakeholders must work well together. The implementation of synergy can take the form of focusing firstly on the implementing of a good environment for the ESP course.


ESP, challenges, higher education, students of Islamic thought politic

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