Muhammad Raihan Suwandi


The role of human in this world has been stated by Allah in al-Qur’an which is as leader or khalifah. Being khilafah brings important function to keep life in harmony with Allah’s guidance. Human as khilafah should follow Allah’s direction in order to bring the safe in life and in hereafter. Then, this paper aims to explore the meaning of khilafah that can handle this world with all of his potential and also the meaning of ‘abd which human is created by Allah to obey Him. The literature review from several Islamic sources is used to gather information related to this issue based on law or al-Hikam. In short, being khilafah means keep the goodness in this world and not against Allah’s rules. Human should be facilitated with education, teaching, experience, skill, technology and other supports to maximize his role as khilafah.


Human; Khalifah; and al-Hikam.

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