Indra Resky Resti Fauzi, Tutut Sholihah, Ahmadi Ahmadi, Musyarapah Musyarapah


TEP (Test of English Proficiency) is an English language test program implemented by the Language Development Unit of IAIN Palangka Raya to provide convenience for final level students to participate in TEP activities in obtaining a TEP certificate. It was known that it can be seen from the facts in the field that the number of students registered for the test in 2020 was 760, while only 97 people have passed. That there were still many students who did not meet the standard score. Although the management has provided training and question modules to students as a form of service from the TEP program. Several factors may have contributed to this problem. This study used a qualitative type, and the data collection techniques used were the results: observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the TEP program at the IAIN Palangka Raya Language Development Unit with the activity planning process had a series of references, namely; the aims and objectives of the activities, the target of the activities, the reasons of the activities, the time of the tests, the implementation, and the strategy for achieving the outputs of the activities. The organization that is carried out in the TEP program at the UPT Language Development is a decision given by the Chancellor of IAIN Palangka Raya who determines a committee consisting of the person in charge, chairman and secretary as well as supervisors and correctors. The implementation of the TEP service program is made into two parts, namely: 1) The implementation of the TEP activities, and 2) The implementation of the TEP test activities. Supervision of the implementation of TEP, there is an activity report which is reported annually from the Head of UPTPB to the Deputy Chancellor of Academic and Institutional Development and the Chancellor of IAIN Palangka Raya in the form of activity report.


Management; Program; and TEP (Test of English Proficiency)

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