Sulaiman Jazuli, Nila Rahmi


This study departs from the fact that the character building of the religious school is not as easy as reversing the palm of the hand. Various barriers and obstacles must exist, such as differences in the character of the students, a livable environment of learners, the background of the lives of learners, and the lack of close attention of the parents of the students when they are at home. This study aims to determine the character development of religion conducted by the teachers of Islamic religious education in SMP IT Qurrata ‘Ayun Kandangan. This research is field research with a qualitative approach. The subject in this research is the teacher of Islamic education. The object is the buliding of a religious character in SMP IT Qurrata ‘Ayun Kandangan. The results of this study that in building a religious character, teacher education Islamic religious used various methods through teaching, motivating, modelling, habituation, and the rule enforcement.


Building; Religious Character

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