Mahmud Mahmud


In an Islamic perspective, this constructive skill can be seen, for example, individuals who are unable or unable to perform ablution and prayer. After going through the learning process, the individual concerned becomes skilled and accustomed to performing ablution and prayer. The way of forming attitudes is different from the way of forming habits. Forming habits can be done through practice, imitation and continuous repetition. Changes in behavior as a result of learning from a psychological perspective, in the Islamic context, have a deeper meaning, because behavior change in Islam is an indicator of perfect morals. Perfect morals must be based on Islamic teachings. Thus, changes in behavior as a result of learning are the complete behavior of individual Muslims as a reflection of the practice of all Islamic teachings. In Islamic education, the first learning process can be seen in the story of Prophet Adam where Allah teaches him the names of various objects. Rasulullah SAW said: "Seeking knowledge (learning) is obligatory for every Muslim". Learning in the view of Islam has a very important meaning, so that almost every time humans are never separated from learning activities. The superiority of a human being or a nation will also greatly depend on how much they use reason, God's gift to learn and understand the verses of Allah SWT. So that in the Qur'an it is stated that God will raise the degree of a knowledgeable person to a noble degree (Qs. Al-Mujadilah: 11)


Concept, Learning, Al-Ghazali

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