Fadiah Adlina


This research departs from the phenomenon that occurs in educational institutions in Indonesia, many of them who want to improve the quality of education by developing facilities and infrastructure but sometimes forget the development of the teachers who use these facilities because there are some teachers who do not understand how use these facilities and infrastructure.
This study aims to describe; (1) management of teacher resource development in MAN Wonokromo, (2) effectiveness of management of teacher resource development, (3) supporting and inhibiting factors in the management of teacher resource development. The
method used in data collection is observation, interviews and documentation, and testing the validity of the data using data triangulation techniques.
The results of this study indicate that: first, management of teacher resource management in MAN Wonokromo through 4 stages, namely planning (planning), organizing (organizing), implementation, and supervision. And in developing the profession of teachers, MAN Wonokromo carried out various activities, namely: Continuing Education, MGMP, Training, Seminars or Local Works, Visits or Comparative Studies to other schools, and Scientific Publication. Then in developing the career of the teachers at MAN Wonokromo also did the following three things: Promotion, Assignment and Promotion. Second, the effectiveness of the management of teacher
resource development in MAN Wonokromo runs quite effectively and this is evidenced by the many teachers who continue their S2 and S3 studies. Third, the factors that support the progress of teacher development activities there are the initiatives of high teachers in
participating in teacher and age development programs, the demands of the minds of teachers who want to always develop, active collaboration with various universities in conducting seminar activities. And the inhibiting factor is that there are still some teachers who are lazy in following teacher development, the
implementation of MGMP in madrasas is lacking, there is no specific literature for teachers, teacher research is still lacking, limited time for teachers to take lectures.


manajemen, pengembangan, dan sumber daya guru

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