Akhmad Rusydi


Surah Yasin is one of the surah Makki that Allah sent to the Messenger before he migrated to Medina. The surah consists of 83 verses, 729 words, and 3000 letters, and begins with ahruf muqattha'ah (interrupted letter), which scholars have come to disagree with in interpreting these fragmented letters. This surah has several names, such as al Qadiyah, al Dafi'ah, al Mu'immah, and al Qalbu, all of which are taken from weak history.
Of the 83 verses found in the Yasin surah, there are two verses that have a decisive reason for referring to the book of Asbabun Nuzul in Al Wahidi's text, verses 12 and 77. However, if you refer to the book of Hollow Nuqul by Jalaluddin as Suyuthi, there are two additional verses as well has Nuzul cause verses 1 and 8.
Regarding the importance of the Yasin surah, as far as the author can find in the hadith books of history that mention the priority of Yasin surah, it ranges from Dhaif to maudlu', but that does not mean that Yasin surah does not have priority. At least there is a general preference for reading the Quran in general in shahih history.
The contents of the Yasin surah can be broadly divided into four main themes, namely the assertion that Muhammad is the true Prophet. Then tells the story of a people who rejected the three Apostles sent to them so that God would destroy them by ordering Gabriel to raise a voice that caused them all to die. Then God mentioned some signs of His power which are proof to the wise. The end of this chapter talks about the process of coming to an end for the believers.
From the side of the Yasin chapter is the three branches of science, namely Bayan, Badi', and Ma'ani. Based on a manual count of what the author can compile from the verses in Yasin surah. They are as follows: Ma'ani science has five verses, Bayan science has five verses, and Badi' science has 13 verses, so the total number of verses in Yasin surah containing the value of multiplication is 23 verses. In the Rasmusic study there were 24 different literary texts between the historical muslims of Abu Amru Ad Dani and Abu Dawud Sulaiman which in turn influenced the Qiraat's differences in reading Yasin.


ins and outs, surat yasin, and maudhu'i interpretations

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Abdullah bin Abu Muhammad Ad-Darimi, 1407 H. Sunan Ad-Darimi, kitab Fadahil Quran, Bab Fi Fadhl Yasin, no 3416, Beirut: Darul Kitab al-Arabi.

Abu Bakar Ahmad bin Husain al-Baihaqi,1410 H. Syu`abul Iman, Juz 2, Bab Fi Ta'zhim Quran, Fashlu Zikru Surah Yasin, no 2460, Beirut: Darul Maktabah 'Alamiah: cetakan pertama.

Al-Husain bin Muhammad Al-Baghawi, 1420 H. Ma'alimut Tanzil Fi Tafsiril Quran, (Tafsir Al-Baghawi), juz 4, Beirut: Dar Ihya Turats Arabi, cet. Pertama.

Ali As-Shabuni, T.t. Shafwatu Tafasir, Juz 1, Kairo: Daru As-Shabuni, Cet ke-10.

Ali Bin Ahmad Al-Wahidi, 2003. Asbabun Nuzul, Kairo: Darul Hadis.

Jalaluddin as Suyuthi, 1993. Ad Dur al Mantsur, Juz 7, Beirut: Dar Fikr.

Khalil bin Ahmad Al-Kiklidi Al-'Alai, 1407 H. Jamiul Tahshil Fi Ahkamil Marasil, Bab Harfu Dadh, Juz 1, Beirut: 'Alamul Kutub, Cet. kedua.

Muhammad bin Umar al-Uqaili, 1404 H. Dhua'faul Kabir, Juz 2, Beirut: Darul Maktabah Al-'Alamiyah, Cet. Pertama.

Muhammad bin 'Isa At-Tirmidzi,tt. Al-Jami' As-Shahih Sunan Tirmidzi, Jilid 5, Beirut: Dar Ihya Turats Araby.

Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Abu Bakar Al-Qurthubi, 1427 H. Al-Jami' Li Ahkamil Quran, juz 17, Beirut: Muassasatu Risalah, cet. pertama.

Muhammad bin Ali As-Syaukani,1426 H. Fathul Qadir al-Jami' Baina Fannai Dirayah wa Riwayah. Juz 4, Beirut: Dar Ibnu Hazm, cet. ke-3.

Muhammad bin Isa At-Tirmidzi, tt. Al-Jami As-Shahih kitab Fadhailul Quran, bab Fi Man Qara`a Harfa Min Alquran Ma Lahu Min al-Ajr, Hadis no 2910 (Sunan Tirmidzi), Juz 5, Beirut: Dar Ihya Turats Arabi.

Sulaiman bin Ahmad At-Thabarani, 1404 H. Al-Mu`jam Al-Kabir, Bab Mim, Ma`qil bin Yasir, Mushil: Maktabatul Ulum wal Hikam: Cet. ke-2.

Umar bin Ali bin 'Adil ad Dimasyqi, 1419 M. Al Lubab Fi Ilmi Kitab, juz 16, Beirut: Darul Kutub Al Ilmiyah, Cet. Pertama.


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