Barkatillah Barkatillah


The milienial era is an era where people live side by side with technology where information, cultural currents etc. are already unstoppable. This era is marked by the birth of the millennial generation ie those born in the range of 1981-2000. Characteristics are more trust in User Generated Content (UGC) than unidirectional information, prefer cellphones over TV, must have social media, are less fond of reading conventionally, and know more about technology than their parents. Now all digital and online, it's no wonder the millennial generation also spends its life almost always online. Nevertheless this generation is very prone to misleading doctrines, therefore the role of parents and teachers is needed in guiding and directing them in a positive direction. The efforts that can be done by parents and teachers are character education and technology optimization on an ongoing basis. Finally, with the harmonious cooperation between parents and teachers, the melinial generation will find a strong footing and grip in facing life.


millennial generation, parents and teachers

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