Penggunaan Metode Simulasi dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam

Musyarapah Musyarapah


Abstract: In the process of teaching and learning in Islamic education, appropriate method is needed to direct the activities toward objectives. Method, which defines as art to transfer knowledge to learners is assumed more important than material. A philosophy said al-Thariqat Ahamm Min al-Maddah (method is more important than material). Simulation is a model with variables that show main characteristic of the real life. Simulation provides decisions to determine how the main characteristic can be modified factually. This method in teaching and learning process is in keeping with tendency of modern learning which individual and small-group, heuristic and active learning. The use of simulation method in Islamic education can improve students motivation and attention to the topic of learning, make them participate directly to the process of learning, improve their ability in cognitive aspect like factual information, concept, principle, and skills to make a decision in creating meaningful learning for students.

Key words: method, simulation, Islamic education


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