The Implementation of Procedure Text Presentation in Teaching Vocabulary at MAN 3 Hulu Sungai Utara

Jumiati Jumiati


The purpose of this research are to know the implementation of procedure text presentation in teaching vocabulary at MAN 3 HSU and to know the students’ vocabulary mastery with the procedure text presentation in teaching at MAN 3 Hulu Sungai Utara. The result of the research shows that the using procedure text presentation in process to learn and teaching English, spesifically in vocabulary can help students for memorizing vocabulary easly. The implementation of procedure text presentation in teaching vocabulary, to reach success in study and students can learn to finally, this can be see in that counting can be gotten “t” value or tcount is 2,7. Then the data is consulted with value table “t” that using db is 24, it is gotten ttab as follows at significant level 5%: ttab = 1,9. So, to value (thit value) that is gotten from result counting is so higher than ttab is 1,9 < 2,7.

Keyword: The implementation, procedure text, teaching vocabulary.

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