Konsep dan Klasifikasi Ilmu Pengetahuan Dalam Islam

Ahmad Muhajir, Muslimah Muslimah, Zainap Hartati


Science is an inseparable part of human life because that is where humans can become real humans. The current science is very diverse and has concepts with its classifications according to the thoughts of scientists. This article aims to describe the classification and concepts of science in Islam. Science in Islamic teachings has a broad, empirical and metaphysical form that is not the same as the science that emerges from the thought of living in the West which includes only the empirical scope. This study uses a literature study as a data collection instrument with data in the form of opinions from experts regarding the concepts and classification of knowledge obtained from searching various related libraries and literature. The results of the study show that the concept of science becomes something in Islam which is an inevitable content of the worldview or view of life in Islam. It makes science in Islam has a different style and is not same as concepts in thoughts outside there. Islam explains that science is not only the substance of knowledge but also an important part of a civilization.


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