Pengembangan Sumber Belajar Dengan Menggunakan Media Massa

Nor Habibah


The development of mass media-based learning resources is needed to be able to produce a new learning resource product that will be used in the learning process. Writing this article aims to determine the use of mass media as a source of learning, the types of mass media as a source of learning and the development of learning resources using mass media. From the results of the discussion, it can be seen that the mass media is a tool used by humans to convey messages. It is not only capable of conveying messages to the public but rather because the media performs the functions of educating, influencing (social control), informing and entertaining. The types of mass media based on their form are divided into three, namely; 1) Print media, which consists of newspapers, magazines and so on; 2) Electronic media, consisting of television (TV), radio, Internet and so on; 3) Online media (Online Media, Cybermedia) which consists of social media, blogs and the like. The development of learning resources through newspapers can be done by making wall newspapers that are hung on the wall (usually found in schools). The development of learning resources through television can be done by watching educational television broadcasts in learning activities to improve the quality of learning. The development of learning resources through radio can be done by listening to broadcasts in the form of information related to education or learning which is often broadcast via radio. The development of learning resources through the internet can be done in three forms, namely: web courses, web centric courses, and web enhanced courses. The development of learning resources through social media can be done using various kinds of social media accounts, students can choose what social media they want to use which is easier and suitable for them.


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