Rahmad Hulbat


Adolescent morals are very worrying at this time, because of the environmental factors where adolescents are as one of the factors that influence them. Therefore, good parenting from parents as the people closest to their children is highly expected, because good and bad parenting styles will affect the morals of adolescents. Based on this statement, the formulation of the problem in this study is how is the upbringing of families of rubber farmers and wood seekers in fostering adolescent morals in Solan Village, Jaro District, Tabalong Regency? and what are the factors that influence it?. The goal to be achieved is to find out the parenting style of families of rubber farmers and wood seekers in fostering youth morals in Solan Village, Jaro District, Tabalong Regency and what are the factors that influence it. This type of research is field research and the approach taken is a qualitative approach. The informants of this study were parents and adolescents in Solan Village, Jaro District, Tabalong Regency. The data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews, observation and documentaries. Data processing techniques using data reduction, data display and data verification and data analysis using descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that; 1) The parenting style of families of rubber farmers and wood seekers in fostering youth morals in Solan Village, Jaro District, Tabalong Regency by making themselves (parents) as role models, as advisers, and as care givers, as well as supervisors. Moral development is carried out by making themselves (parents) as role models in having good morals or behavior, both towards themselves and others. Parents also like to give advice to their teenagers and also like to give attention and supervision to their teenagers. 2) The factors that influence it are environmental factors, because the environment greatly influences the upbringing of parents in fostering the morals of their teenagers. This is illustrated by the various environmental conditions in society, especially the environment in which teenagers look indecent/bad, like to make fun of their parents, like to drive fast, like to smoke, and so on.


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