M Saufi Rahman, Siti Fatimah Azzahra, Nur Azizah F, Mulia Wati


The purpose of this study was to analyze the description of the transformational leadership contribution of madrasah principals, school organizational climate, achievement motivation and teacher performance at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Hulu Sungai Utara regency using correlation. This research is a correlational study using the Linear Regression method approach with a purposive random sampling technique of respondents using the Slovin theory amount  240 teachers of MTs in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, South Kalimantan. Data analysis used the SPSS 2.5 program and path model testing used LISREL 8.50 program. The results of the study are that teachers' performance competencies will be better if the madrasa atmosphere is pleasant and the madrasa head provides motivational encouragement. The quality of education in Madrasas can be better if teacher performance always improves their competence, namely the correlation values of Transformative Leadership on Teacher Performance of 0.56, The correlation values between Madrasa Organizational Climate and Teacher Performance is 0.21, The correlation values between Achievement Motivation on Teacher Performance is 0.68, The values of the correlation between Achievement Motivation and Teacher Performance is 0.68, the correlation between Transformative Leadership and Madrasah Organizational Climate is 0.38, The correlation values between Madrasah Organizational Climate on Achievement Motivation is 0.33, The correlation values together between transformational leadership, madrasah organizational climate and achievement motivation on teacher performance is 0.817. There is a difference between the analysis using SPSS 25 program and the path analysis using LISREL 8.50program  in terms of the number of indicators and samples, namely in the path analysis there are 5 indicators removed and the number of samples is reduced by 123 people in order to get a fit value or the path diagram is accepted.


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