Penanaman Nilai Moderasi Beragama Terhadap Masyarakat Adat Paser Melalui Majelis Ta’lim di Desa Mendik Kecamatan Long kali, Kabupaten Paser

Mardani Mardani


The importance of religious moderation in the lives of the community, especially in Indonesia with its multicultural nature, cannot be underestimated. In this context, the 'majelis taklim' (religious study groups) play a crucial role in enhancing religious understanding and promoting a moderate approach to religion. Research and community service were carried out in Mendik Village, Long Kali District, Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, with a focus on the indigenous Paser community. Through 'majelis taklim' activities, including the study of the Prophet's biography (Sirah Nabawiyah) and discussions on religious issues with a moderate tone, the results showed an increase in awareness and the practice of religious moderation in the daily lives of the indigenous Paser community. This activity helps shape a community that respects differences and rejects extremism. Although change takes time, this community service makes a significant contribution to creating a more moderate religious society.


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