Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah Dalam Membentuk Akhlak Mulia Peserta Didik Di MIS Manba’ul Anwar Wirang

sri hartini


The deviant attitudes exhibited by children are becoming increasingly concerning, especially as it has become a national issue related to the moral crisis that undermines societal order. In the context of life in a madrasah, deviant behaviors such as student fights, promiscuity, dress code violations, lack of respect for teachers or limited respect only within the madrasah, truancy, and mobile phone misuse are often encountered. This moral crisis phenomenon underlines the importance of implementing Madrasah-Based Management in shaping the noble character of students. Therefore, at MIS Manba’ul Anwar Wirang, Madrasah-Based Management is applied to mold the virtuous character of students. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of Madrasah-Based Management in shaping the noble character of students at MIS Manba’ul Anwar Wirang has been successful. The madrasah has independently exercised the authority given to it in accordance with its potential and needs. The madrasah has been shaping the virtuous character of students through both curricular and extracurricular activities. The madrasah makes special efforts to maximize the formation of virtuous character through programs within the madrasah. These programs are the result of collective deliberation and decisions made with the school community's involvement. The success of these efforts is closely tied to the active participation of parents and the community in supporting all the programs implemented by the madrasah and in assisting with the development of noble character at home.


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