Membangun Multi Kecerdasan di Pesantren Modern

Mardhiya Agustina, Miftahul Jannah


Abstrak. Intelligence is a result of potential that is continuously honed and becomes a talent. In this case, education becomes a place to help students to hone that potential in order to be individuals who are ready to use. Based on that, a study on how to activate the intelligence needs to be researched. By carried out An-Najah for Girls Modern Islamic Boarding School in Martapura, South Kalimantan, this study identifies how multiple intelligences are activated in the Islamic boarding school. The type of study was a case study using a qualitative approach. The researchers used interview, observation, and documentation to collect the data. The study found that the process of activating multiple intelligences in the Modern Islamic Boarding School was carried out through: (1) identification and accommodation of santri talents; (2) boarding school curriculum; (3) the provision of programs that can be a place for developing students' talent; (4) the provision of educational media that supports the optimization of students' talents; and (5) santri parenting patterns. This shows that education in Modern Islamic Boarding School covers all aspects that can shape the intelligence of santri. They are not only offered teaching material but also given programs and care that support the achievement of multiple intelligences. The conclusion of the study is that multi-intelligence santri can be activated through multiple intelligences based education. As a recommendation, this research can be used as a reference for strategies to activated intelligence in education.

Keywords: multiple intelligences, Modern Islamic Boarding School, santri

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