Rif'an Syafruddin, Sami Faidullah, Sri Sumiati


The research is inspired by parental interference with the child's household. The problem in this study is in married couples who experience disharmony in navigating domestic life due to parental intervention because they still do not have their own house yet; therefore, they still live with their parents. Based on these problems, the authors want to know more about the factors of parental intervention in children's households and how they affect children's households in Lampihong District. This research used a qualitative approach method with the type of field research. The data collected are in the form of primary and secondary data; the data obtained by using direct interview techniques for field observation. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the factors of parental intervention in the child's household are organizing economic issue which is finances, having differences of perceptions in parenting and educating children, regulating household affairs, and being involved in problems with child domestic quarrels / disputes. The parents’ intervention impacts negative and positive ways on the child's household. In positive terms for example there is a place to complain and counsel in solving problems, and the child feels more frugal because there is no need to think about money to pay the rent. On the other hand, in the negative case the household becomes disharmonious which the child cannot be independent because he still lives with the parents; a trivial quarrel becomes big due to interference from the parents; and it can end in divorce.


Parents; Intervention; and Child’s Household

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