Rina Amahorosea, Musyarapah Musyarapah


The school committee is an independent body that serves as a forum to participate in the community in order to improve the quality, equity and efficiency of education management in educational institutions, both in pre-school education, school education pathways and out-of-school education pathways. The purpose of this study is to explain; (1) the business of procuring facilities and infrastructure, (2) knowing the role of the school committee in the procurement of facilities and infrastructure. The focus of this research is; (1) procurement of facilities and infrastructure, (2) the role of school committees in the procurement of facilities and infrastructure. Researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods, data collection techniques used in this study were in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation studies. The data validity technique uses triangulation. The results and conclusions in this study are; (1) procurement of facilities and infrastructure at SDIT Al AMIN Kapuas through meetings with existing components in schools, (2) the role of school committees in procuring school facilities and infrastructure is very necessary because with adequate facilities, learning activities can run optimally according to with the desired educational goals.


Role; School Committee; Procurement of Facilities and Infrastructure

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