Nurul Khotimah, Musyarapah Musyarapah


One of the successful keys of education is how the quality of the principal is. A principal is required to have social competence in carrying out his duties. The purpose of this study is to find out the social competencies that must be possessed by the school principal. The writing of this article used the method of literature review. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are obtained: (1) the principal is the highest leader in an educational institution who has a role in planning, directing, guiding, and evaluating work in schools; (2) social competence is a person's ability to interact and communicate effectively, as well as how that person can position himself according to environmental circumstances and conditions; (3) the importance of the principal's social competence including: (a) influencing teacher performance (b) building cooperation that it is needed (c) fostering sympathy and empathy (d) assisting in shaping the school's sitra, and (e) influencing the character of others; (4) an effective principal, namely a principal who has a clear vision and mission, has a consistent spirit and is willing to accept suggestions and criticisms (5) strategies for improving the social competence of the principal by establishing relationships with internal parties and external parties.


Principal; Social Competence; and Strategies

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