Ahmad Syarif Hidayatullah


In Islamic marriage, there is an obligation that the bridegroom must give to the bride, namely the dowry. Dowry as a condition and annihilation is pronounced when the contract. The provision of a reasonable dowry will depend on a person's position in life, social status, those married parties, and may differ from place to place. Related to the Banjar community, in addition to the dowry, there is also what is known as honesty. The Banjar tribe highly respects and preserves the customs they have, including the custom known as Honesty. Honesty is a gift from the male side to the female side given by mutual agreement (the parents' side), here honesty money is distinguished from a dowry. Honesty in Banjar custom is one of the conditions that must be met by the groom-to-be. Usually this honesty is in the form of cash. In its sense it is equally a gift from the bridegroom to the bride but the position is different and honesty is also not spoken when the contract. The Banjar people make honesty something that must exist. Although basically the presence or absence of honesty does not affect the validity of a marriage. 



Jujuran, Banjar Customs, Marriage

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Website : Artikel ini telah tayang di BanjarmasinPost.co.id dengan judul Jujuran, Tantangan ataukahHalangan?, https://banjarmasin.tribunnews.com/2019/07/16/jujuran-tantangan-ataukah-halangan. Di akses pada tanggal 11/11/2021


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