Ria Susanti


At present national education faces a number of severe challenges, especially in preparing the quality of human resources that are not only to be productive but to form human/community character. To be productive human beings are not only equipped with the ability of expertise, skills, but also with character education as a guide in behaving when working. In order to avoid any more immoral phenomena such as fights, promiscuity, drug cases and so forth.
The character education, the curriculum 2013, and the Islamic Education, these three terms are very related to each other and mutually beneficial. Character education will be realized using the curriculum 2013, because the learning objectives include the development of the realm of attitude (affective), knowledge (cognitive), and skills (psychomotor) that are elaborated in each education unit.
Learning in Islamic Religious Education has the same target as the curriculum 2013 which is to provide knowledge (cognitive), shape the attitudes (affective), personality, and skills (psychomotor) of students in practicing their religious teachings. This means that character education can also be clearly realized in PAI learning. Therefore, the application of character values can be fully and optimally realized.


Pendidikan Karakter, Kurikulum 2013, Pembelajaran PAI

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