Pondok Pesantren Postmodern: Paradigma Baru Pondok Pesantren

Muhammad Anshari


Pondok pesantren (Islamic boarding school) is one of the Islamic religious education institutions that continues to develop following the times. It happens because pondok pesantren have the value of "Al-Muhafazah bi Al-qadim Al-Salih Wa Al-akhzu bi Jadid Al-Ashlah". Among the familiar pesantren models are traditional and modern, but recently there are forms of postmodern pondok pesantren. Postmodern pesantren was born as a response and attitude of pesantren in managing change. There are three things that become models of postmodern pesantren against traditional and modern type, namely: first, the integration of religious knowledge and other sciences which still adopts a synergistic pattern; second, the attitude of restrictions on the use of technology, communication and information; and third, the competencies that must be possessed and mastered by students are still general and universal

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