Implementation of The Quality Management Model In Education At Islamic Senior High School (MAN 2) Martapura

M Saufi Rahman


Quality of Cultural Management (Total Quality Management) in education is improvement by continuously to supply the requirement, desires and expectations of its customers. MAN 2 Martapura is a school that is able to improve the quality of education by continuously so got accreditation by A. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in education has been implemented MAN 2 Martapura. This research using a quality descriptive approach and case study. The subjects of this research are Head of master, teachers, schools’ administrations, students, and schools’ of committee. The result of the research showed (1) Schools has been increased a quality of learning activities, administration organizing, preparing of the facilities infrastructure: (2) head of master has been created a good communication to school environment and the outside environment and created a harmonious environment: (3) School has been implemented correction of the quality by PDCA (plan, do, cheek, action) system, always affirming the discipline, and improving the education system by continuously; (4) Schools made  involving and empowerment of official employees by giving permission who wanted to continue their studies or courses: School always giving a reliance to all official employees and teachers in implementing of their jobs.

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