Hakikat Isi/Materi Pendidikan Perspektif Islam

Ria Susanti


Every science, including Education Science, is formed from several conceptual schemas of the content of science. In short, it can be said that the organization of the content of Educational Sciences, as a concept system, is formed from elements in the form of concepts about Educational variables, and parts in the form of conceptual schemas about Educational components.

In this article, it will be discussed regarding the content of education which will later be related to the concept of the general education curriculum and then how the concept of curriculum in the view of Islamic Education will be. With the formulation of the problem: 1) How is the mapping of the study of science in education, 2) What is the nature of the content of education, and 3) What is the view of Islam on the content of education. This study aims to describe the content/educational material by using library research and content analysis methods.

This article finds that the nature of the content of Islamic education is in line with the concept of the formation of al-insanan al-kamil, so Islamic education must have a set of contents that will be transformed to students so that they have personalities that are in accordance with Islamic ideals. For this reason, it is necessary to design a form of Islamic education curriculum that fully refers to the basic values of Islamic teachings. Namely based on religion (Al-Qur'an and Hadith), philosophy, psychology, and social.


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