Peran Orang Tua Terhadap Pendidikan Iman Anak Perspektif Abdullah Nasih Ulwan dalam Kitab Tarbiyatul Aulad Fil Islam

Muhammad Zaini Yusri


Faith education is no less important to be understood by children, that all people are the same as creatures in the sight of Allah SWT. What makes them different from other creations is that humans have the advantage of thinking. And what distinguishes humans from other humans is the level of their faith in Allah SWT and His Messenger. Because if people only use their minds and put aside their faith, then they are the disbelievers who only pursue the world without realizing the blessings that Allah SWT has given. This study uses the Library Research method, namely library research that works at the analytical level with an emic perspective, that is, obtaining data not from the researcher's perception, but based on conceptual and theoretical facts related to the book written by Dr. Nashih Ulwan entitled Tarbiyatul Aulad Fil Islam. In conclusion, faith in Allah SWT is the basis or basis of education for children, both moral and psychological. And regarding the influence of faith and morals, these two things are mutually sustainable in life and are intertwined with each other. It can be said that the better the child's faith, the better his morals will be in daily life. Faith and morals are also interrelated with science, why is that? Because children who believe in Allah, the All-Knowing, will always ask Him, and will surely be humble in front of their teacher.

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